We’ll explain our advisory process, which starts with developing a personalized investment plan for you. We’ll describe how fee-only investment advice means that if you become a client, we’ll charge you an annual fee, but we won’t charge commissions when you buy or sell.
We’ll also explain that we have a fiduciary responsibility to you to only make recommendations that we believe are in your best interest. This distinguishes us from the non-fiduciary advice of brokers and insurance agents.
This first meeting is a non-threatening time for both of us to see if we can work together. Will we be able to help you? Do you feel good about having confidence and trust in us and our advice? Would you feel comfortable about speaking openly when you need something or don’t like something? We’ll make this meeting easy, and won’t pressure you if you decide that we aren’t a good fit for you. Isn’t that the kind of consultation meeting you’d like? contact us with any questions>>